Sorry for the late announcement, most of you may already know about the new GEFS version:
- Gliders: Paraglider, Ultralight Goat Airchair and Jantar szd-48-3
- Improvement on dynamic wind lift (ridge soaring) and introduction of thermals
- New sound engine and effects (tyres, wind, Doppler effect)
- Added a public forum to the website for general discussion
Thanks Xavier
I honestly feel the gliders are a bit boring... Sorry.
Maybe a delta CRJ-200 in 1.0?
Maybe a CRJ-1000 or CRJ-700
But it is always nice to fly something new
i just really want a boeing 747-8 series and a approach on the carrier and the catcher rope should work i hope u can do it and thx for the gliders! i just like to glide in borduex when im stressed out, and can u also do airtraffic control when were on runway or at th gate in setting we can choose airtraffic control or not if we wanna, and MAYBE spaceshiptwo, the commercial spacecraft? i just wanna reach space the max i went is about 81k feet, space starts at 400k feet according to standards lol
I think the B747's can wait. We really need some sort of regional jet now
An approach into Kai Tak *old hong kong airport* would be pretty sweet..get to fly the checkboard approach :)
XAIVIER plz put a A340 A330 A319 747 767 MD-90 737-800 AA livery so plz put does plane it will make the game bigger
A Delta CRJ-200. Need this for my Regional Flights. Serious here.
could you try to get a boeing f-18 hornet up for me to use for escourts
Could we get a 757? The one with the large wingtip fins?
I think Xavier should have a poll before adding the next aircraft
According to the Facebook group,
We might be getting the 737 MAX...
I have to admit the 777 is a pretty good plane but its not what GEFS needs at the moment
I'm on the Facebook group
gluiders are a nice change
on firefox the aircraft file isn't loading if you could fix that i would appreciate it
It works for me
I use chrome nd there is no problems why dont you try that
Hi Xavier, is it possible to control the rudder with other keys and not mix it with the ailerons? When you turn, you have to use the rudder but when you use the rudder, you use the aileron which makes the plane roll. If you have to turn the rudder for a longer turn, your aircraft will roll too and can even be upside down! And that can get you in a stall if you try to recover too fast. Can there be an option where you can pick different keys for the rudder? The airplane banks too much. Thank you. Everything else is AMAZING though! Nice job!
Yeah, thank you very much Xavier!
I agree with you but you are telling him to do too much. He cannot just put those out of the blue. It is hard to design all of it and everyone has to agree with the air-crafts. Other than that, I want those planes also. :)
I want that also. :D
Hi Xavier I Was wondering if we could get a twin engine long range jet such as a Boeing 777-200 or 777-300
Thanks :)
Hello Xavier I have to agree with the anonymous comment about the 777
in the world the MD-11 is being replaced already by 777s and A330s
and i have a suggestion for the chat maybe there should be a sperate kind of like chatroom and just an atc to pilot chatter while flying
Thanks Xavier
I agree. :D
hmmmm.. can we have an aircraft tiller so we can maximize the turning angle of the nose wheel while on the ground? :))
anyway, thanks for the update...
GEFS is the best flight simulator i have ever been on. I go on it practically everyday. The only improvement that i would like is to be able to take off from london, or manchester etc. there needs to be more preset locations in england.
other than that,
thanks xavier!
Hi Air Canada 033, This is Westjet, You know A member of your Star Alliance group? Anyway, I agree with you, I like your idea of a seperate chatroom! I also Would like you to put some kind of effect in for whwn you crash! Because it just feels really unrealistic when you get a pop-up that says: you crashed!!! And your plane just bounces on the ground unharmed! Well, Thank-you for The updates and everything you have done for the game Xavier! :-D
I would like an Auto-pilot in the Game and could you make the Runway Smooth like in real life. Thanxx for all the new updates.
hey i love gefs i had some wid trip from lax to san francisco then to saan deigo then back to lax and to las vegas then sky hourbour then back to lax in su-35
i love gefs
Why cant you put in the Emirates Livery for the A380 Please it will look so amazing
I agree, wiht anonmymous 2, but yet again, those aircraft are nice but you missed the 777-200ER
I agree, the 777-200LR or 777-200ER would be nice
how about a tomcat f-14
how about a tomcat f-14 plane
how about a tomcat f-14
how about a tomcat f-14 jet
how about a f-14 tomcat
The Dude here. I am on this game all the time. What an amazing thing you have put together. Thank you!
I agree with a short range Lear type jet. Also old world war 2 aircraft are always a hit.
Se you all in the sky...
In the next version could you think about putting back the aircraft option on the home page great job on the flight sim!!!!!!!
yeah man good point.
Blu Angel 4? how do u get those symbols in ur call sighn??? O_O
in the next version could you PLEASE add the 747 or 737, those are my two favorite aircraft, it would be awesome if you could add those two aircraft
in the next version could you PLEASE add the 747 or 737, those are my two favorite aircraft, it would be awesome if you could add those two aircraft
how to fly szd-48-3 jantar?
Hi Xavier! I know you are very backed up on requests and all, but, can you tell us when all of the new updates are coming up? Thanks for the game and all of your effort XD
can you pls add b747
Top Secrect
I have not been catching up on all the latest updates, but I would like to congratulate Xavier on all these new aircraft and stuff.
-LAX Traffic Control
add the a350 (comes out in 2017) or the antonov an-225.
Hi Xavier, can you add the 747-8 in its sunrise livery in version 1.0
Can Xavier add a Boeing 747-8i in sunrise orange Boeing livery.
please can you add a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird and a Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk
Ad an MD-80 and a Boing 737
i am here to tell you 4 things 1. Mistwalker keeps on spamming and swearing on the chatroom. 2. people arnet listening to ATC at lax and just landing to annoy the ATC. 3. can you please add the 737, and finally can i create a group called air colour express
u have to disable the YAW mix on options
yes like FSX a menu when u choose to land,taxi,takeoff,or on an approach and some kind of thing when the ATC's voice comes out loud out of your Netbook,Mac,Pc
also i would like to ask for some kind of ground services (firecrew,air bridge,stairs,baggage crew, and 3D buildings at every airport
yes thank u so so so so so mutch for your new update
theres a big problem with the airline's, its going mad with people adding liveries and coz im an owner of 1 of the airlines the flights r running out
I want a 747-800 Boeing Livery, and a 787-900/(or 800) Boeing Livery
yeah, emirates is really great
same here
Can you add more passenger aircraft or a selection menu of what airline and then choose their plane with the airline paint on it?
Please reply!
Can you make a menu where you can choose an airline and then one of their aircraft with their paint on it? Please reply!
I never fly the gliders but i like the parachute coz at LAX when we have a Fake War i use it to bail out
i dont use the gliders but when we have a fake war i like to use it when i bail out
hi when will the next update come?
On Gefs now people are making Airlines and DEMANDING a airport theres, i have a terminal at LAX but thats not as bad as a Airport like LAX and some of the ATC's say DINIED after every permit to Takeoff,Taxi,Land ETC. So can u do somthing about that please and also to stop problems we could do with an automatic ATC for Every Airport on here and i would like it to do the phonetic alphabet,but i want it a bit like FSX but a Free version. so by 1.3 Please could u sort that out. And i would like to congratulate you on everything you have done to GEFS coz if i Rated it it would be 10 out of ten or ***** (5 Stars);)
pLEASE aDD a330 a340 777 737-800 P.S A340 Painted In FinnAir Angry Birds
With New Airport Helkensi And Landing Singapore Changi
Hey Xavier, my name in gefs is lufthansa A340,and i want an private plane or an a340.
oh yeah could you tell some guys to speak in English because it really annoying me.
No we really, really need a 747 and it would be cool if you could choose plane skins like what company you want on your plane ( it has to be virgin atlantic for the 747's
or a boeing737 dreamliner you think its good
ad a dreamliner 787
ADD 737-800 And 777-300ER
why won"t it let me play?
Add Autopilot
Yes i would like the 747's in a virgin atlantic also.
yea i want those to
Hi Xavier!
It's me, Westjet, and I would love to see some crash effects and maybe even some bells and whistles; like alerts and warning bells and alarms in the future. I like the gliders, but I also agree that they are pretty boring without being able to take off. Maybe you can improve or innovate the game more in 1.0 or in some other future volumes!
Thanks for the game!, Westjet
Qatar Airways 1 again the game is so cool! It's the best simulator in the world
Xavier is there any oportunity to add all the boeing's , airbus and some regional airplanes because with just 9 or 10 airplanes we don´t have much to choose
Hello, could you please include in the next update the C-130 Hurcules or the AC130 thanks.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe YOU annoy THEM by not speaking their language?
Xavier, I have to commend your patience seeing that the bulk of the users are gamers and not seriously using the simulation as you intended.
However, it is extremely well done and it's surprising how quickly you are developing new features and a realistic flying experience.
I particularly enjoy the helicopter and look forward to a possible addition in the future.
I hope the reasons for your undertaking this project are realized and we continue to reap the benfits.
Xavier, I have to commend your patience seeing that the bulk of the users are gamers and not seriously using the simulation as you intended.
However, it is extremely well done and it's surprising how quickly you are developing new features and a realistic flying experience.
I particularly enjoy the helicopter and look forward to a possible addition in the future.
I hope the reasons for your undertaking this project are realized and we continue to reap the benfits.
Hey Xavier,
I would like a 777-200er or any boeing commercial jet liner
Ω I really think there should be somewhat of an autopilot like they have now, and maybe jobs? a tutorial maybe? and definitely a skin changer for the planes, thx! Ω
Noticed when flying to some airports that there are "static" models parked e.g . A330 at Miami of 747 at Schipol. Why aren't these available to fly? Time for some new models :)
Brace Yourselves
737-800 Is Coming!
I agree a 737 would be nice
hey Xavier
I just started using gefs and love it. You put alot of work into it and it shows! Its awesome and just what i wanted. One suggestion though. Put a small narrow body jet such as an a320 or 737.
how can i download it?
I Want Boeing B747 and Boeing 787 -airplanes ;)
-Matti, Finland
you should add the A-10 warthog
also you should add the NASA space shuttle and its take off platform
you should so add an auto pilot to the airbus
you should add the Avia BH-7 Seaplane
you should add the
B-17F Memphis Belle air plane
you should add the F-22 raptor
hello, i have posted the AFO and southwest posts and i joined RAW. im getting bored of waiting for 1.0 it has been 4 months since 0.9 come out and im completely bored. i do all of my flights on FSX for the last week ONLY and more people r not going online
lets go man put the lot polish airlines 787 first one. Put it on already, damn
Hi, the 737 is currently being worked on, but no guarantees there...
Hi, the GEFS flight simulator is an online flight simulator. However, you do need to download version 6.2 of Google Earth beforehand (not 7).
a ball of fire when you crash!!
how cool would a hercules transport and a shooter mode be?
shane hardy
This game is epic
This game is epic
I am Great hot
Hey Xavier,
I got an Idea
For the aircrafts A380 make airline Emirates
A340 Saudia because they only have one and the airlines and aircraftsd they are known for
really awesome for a browser game
please add autopilot and a boeing 747-8
please add auto pilot and a boeing 747-8
this is an awesome game anyone want to join the worlds airline as theworldsairline.weebly.com
there is a spammer named mist walker
otherwise awesome game
this is an awesome game please add the lockheed U-2 spy plane from the cold war
how do you move?
hi xavier at clt there is a new runway that is not marked
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