Sunday, July 10, 2011

Choose the Next GEFS Aircraft: Result of the Poll

The poll has now closed and the Airbus A380 is the chosen aircraft. I do not know yet what livery the aircraft will come in but I guess I will leave that up to the artist.

I have no real guidelines for when the aircraft will be ready but will do my best for this to happen by the end of July. Please be patient and keep enjoying GEFS until then.

Thanks to all the participants. And for those whose aircraft have not been chosen, be assured I will add more than just the A380 to GEFS in the future.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Poll: Choose The Next GEFS Aircraft

Based on your suggestions, I made this (very long) poll so we can narrow down the results to just one candidate. Sorry for the huge list but I did not want to leave anybody out. I would like to stress that GEFS is technically limited for now and that simulating complex things like the Shuttle flight and re-entry or making a jetliner interesting to fly (Instruments, VOR NAV, ILS, Hydraulics, and what have you) is not yet achievable. I know there is a lot of demand for "big and fast" but keep in mind you don't fly an A380 as you fly the Piper Cub. That being said, make your selection and click on "Vote".